Each year, for Christians around the world, the season of Lent signifies the countdown to the holiday of Easter. It is to be a time of introspection, repentance, and preparation. But you may know of it by the common question shared amongst Christians: What are you giving up for Lent this year?
Many Christians go into Lent with this mindset, that this season is about penitence, and that there are time-tested ways to show your remorse by denying yourself, placing new burdens on your shoulders, and being so good by proving to everyone else that you could last a whole forty days! without whatever pleasure you gave up. But is Lent really about self-punishment? Self- inflicted suffering and sorrow? Are you deepening your relationship with God or just grandstanding to establish your piety and holier-than-thou ego?
This year, I found it more difficult to face the ever-echoing question, “What are you giving up for Lent?” We as a whole have dealt with so many unusual and overwhelming challenges, that this time I met Lent with the kind of anguish and bone-aching tiredness that accompany the darkest of days.
Hadn’t we all given up enough?
The idea of placing one. more. burden. on myself seemed doomed to fail from the beginning. Either I succeed by managing to refrain from one of the few tangible joys I still recognize, or I fail my fast and become disappointed in myself for something in which I was the only responsible party, in a period of seemingly never-ending grief and frustration.
So I pressed pause mid-spiral, and tried to remind myself of my purpose in this community, in this world, and in this season. What is Lent if not an opportunity to bring yourself closer to the Almighty, recognize your sins, and move forward with grace and compassion? Life is beautiful, but it is full of pain, and this year I decided to approach my Lenten practices from the most self- loving, authentic, and nourishing perspective possible, opting to focus on my spiritual wellbeing by not giving something up – and honestly feeling okay about my choice. Because if we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, that means you have to love you too.
I leave you with no set answer or wisdom, but instead a prayer. An incomplete, rambling poem of sorts. Maybe you will see yourself in my writing, or maybe not, but I hope it serves as a reminder to find the time and motivation to be kind to yourself. After all, there is no time like the present to forgive YOU.
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer
The One who knew me before ME.
The One who breathed the breath of life. The One who cares from the heavens.
Mother, Father, Parent
The One who nurtures my spirit. The One who holds me in my grief. The One who boldly lifts me up.
Sibling, Friend, Stranger
The One who fills my heart with joy. The One who wipes away my tears. The One who assures me of my worth.
Light, Truth, Peace.
The One who loves me.
The One who strengthens me. The One who guides me.
In this hour, I need you most.
In this hour, I bring you my worries. In this hour, I know you are here. Amen.
By Claire Melinda Nelson.